What is Biophilia NLS

What is Biophilia NLS?

The Biophilia NLS device is a non-linear scanning system of the organism. It uses advanced spectroscopic, quantum and acoustic analysis. Modern biofield research has shown that there are specific frequencies (eddy magnetic field) around biological systems. People used this knowledge based on tradition, not scientific evidence, already in ancient disciplines, including in the tradition of Chinese medicine. The principles of the NLS device have their roots in bioresonance research started in 1950 by scientists from the USA and Russia. The NLS database holds information from the health analysis and treatment of over 100,000 patients with over 1,000 medical cases ...


How is Biophilia NLS different from other devices?

NLS is behind the biological feedback device, and the most significant difference is the method by which the diagnosis is made. Some devices work on radio frequencies, others collect information from the pulses and moisture present in the skin. NLS is based on functions in the field of information processing in the electromagnetic field, and at the same time on other methods of analysis.

NLS is designed to provide the most accurate diagnostic results as it focuses on the receptors in the brain. Any change at the cellular level will be detected and identified. By using this device, you receive information from a certified specialist that includes a number of indicators and preventive and diagnostic visits.

 NLS don't work remotely. The analysis is 85% -98% accurate. Most biofeedback devices work on a similar principle.